Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Count your blessings.. name them one by one

My pastor has been having the worship team to sing this song the for the past few sundays already. I was doing qt and it struck me that i should really do that. Though i whined about my school being this and that. Actually im very blessed to be in a school where i can focus on my PE and to be exposed in being in-charge of a CCA... I have gd frenz there and a strong PE dept.. Thank God for placing me here.

Today i really did the UNTHINKABLE.

Ask around and my friends will all tell you that im a quiet person and the last one on earth that you would turn to to Ra-Ra a group ala OGL style.
But guess what?! today during contact time the HOD suddenly told all the CTs to go to the hall to "maintain discipline" whilst the rest of the teachers continue.. i was wondering.. are CTs 2nd class? not needed at the mtg? i dont know. anyway.. we went to the hall and we had half an hour to ra-ra the kids.. my gosh.

The other CTs also conveniently siam-ed the mike.. and it ended up in my hands..
Gosh. i started talking SEL stuff to them.. talking about their dreams and also what to expect this year until i really ran out of ideas and i taught them cheers and claps.. in the HALL...Crazy!

But response was good lah. not that i did it to show im zai or what. but somebody had to step up i guess.. Nowadays very busy with settling the basketball team issues and Outdoor camp stuff.


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