Monday, September 15, 2008

ICG soccer and Nike Human Race

ICG fever has really caught up with all the classes and i went down to play soccer for the class. Our class had several skillful players and it was so nice of the class as we decided that everyone who came down will have a chance to play. That i say is the best sportsmanship that can be shown to a fellow classmate (or person for that matter). We won one game against PGDE and the lost the other to Dip 2A. Oh well, what matters most is we had fun and cheered for each other as a class..

That's me trying to take a kick in.. It was a seven-a-side game. And i played in defence. haha

Next item is the Nike Human Race which i clocked 50mins.. Not very good and the effects of not training showed.. haha. usual ten km standards could hit sub 50 easily. Time to hit the tarmac more often and not the suppers..haha..
Sprinting to the finishing line with a smile(that's a trademark) =)

We should all aspire to run till the end. Never give up because God never gives up on us/me. His grace is always sufficient for me. I have been feeling very burdened by all the work lately and cant see a way out because my efficiency doesnt rise the same way as my anxiety does.

So after much thought and deliberation, my only way out is to trust God who is my provider to provide me in my times of need. Situations and circumstances does not change God's character. He is still the same God that is faithful and watches over us. If he has allowed things and situations to happen to us. It means that we can go through it, yes it means pain; suffering and lots of emotional instability. Where does this lead to? (one may ask) I believe it builds you to be a stronger person. What cannot kill you will only serve to make you stronger.

As the mentor once said (in 2003 i think) : There are 3 things you need to remember and they are..

1. Prayer

2. Peace

3. Tenacity

Pray that God will help you through the situation.

Have peace that comes from the Lord as the peace he gives is something the world cannot.

Be tenacious to fight for what you want and think is right. Don't wallow in self-pity.

Impossible is Nothing. =)

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