Monday, June 30, 2008

Bsc(Edn) (Physical Education) (Secondary)


It finally came to past. Praise God. He really is faithful and answered the desire of my heart.
It hasnt been easy and the breathing has been heavy over the past few weeks. To date, i still have not signed my TTA with them.

To teach PE in a secondary school really takes the cake and im still in awe at how God works to actually allow someone like me to receive his wonderful gift.

2008 has only passed the halfway mark and already so many things have happened and changed. But God still remains faithful and he watches our every step and our lives. How wonderful our beautiful saviour is! Things at home havent changed..Im still struggling to be at peace in my abode.. though im gonna get some respite in hall soon. Church has also seen one of its tumultous times in recent years. How to survive? one might ask. I guess only when i declare that " God you are the only thing im clinging to and living for right now" Then i know who is my purpose. Not what is. Its Who. Its God.

Less that 3 weeks left to my time in a primary school.. Though its been a rough ride, there have been positives to draw out. Met some really good friends that saw me through my tough times. Went through the many activities and organised the outdoor camp. Am glad that i've performed well in the past year.

Nick Vujicic (A speaker with no limbs) once said: God would not let anything happen to us unless he has a good purpose for it all.

and i cling on to your promise that you'll see me through. Thank You Lord.

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