Friday, February 15, 2008

Down.. but not OUT!

Im down...down with flu, that is.
Felt sick on wednesday but didnt take MC till thursday afternoon when i went to see a doctor. I had to conduct a topical test on thurs and didnt want my class to miss it because i was absent. So i persevered till thurs noon to make a trip to the clinic. Really felt so weak. Thank God for sustaining me and giving me strength. Otherwise i would have collapsed trying to control those monkeys during PE lessons.

Now that im better, i thank God for this period of rest that he has given me. Went to the library just now and borrowed a book entitled " Why teachers quit?" No.. im not thinking of quiting even before signing the bond. Its a really interesting book that tackles all the issues in the education system. A very daring book that touches alot of raw nerves where few would dare to venture. I salute the author, enzo liow for his attempt to address the issue. I'll tell you more when I finish the book.

Got a table to Buko Nero on 14th march, chose that date coz its the march hols! a good dinner during the hols would do me world of good.

Update you again and i hope to say it with conviction after reading the book as to why i WONT quit teaching. Ciao

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