Saturday, May 2, 2009


Just caught the movie "Taken" and man! I was quite happy with this action-filled thriller! Its about an ex-intel officer whose daughter has been kidnapped and he goes on a mission to save her. The resourcefulness of agents/spies are really amazing and I was left with a sudden urge to be an agent for the force!

I know it sounds absurd.. Considering my vehement protests when I got my posting 2 years back.. But looking back at my time in spf, it was really fun and though I didnt do things as exciting as what secret agents do, I did get to interact with some of them and it was really cool to catch a glimpse of the lifestyle they have. Not one that I yearn for though, being young and brash I really thought having a high-octane, criminal-chasing life was really fun. But the regulars often brought me back to earth. Singapore's so safe.. nothing much to catch or do as well.. (im not complaining)

Anyway, this week has been filled with revelations. Im discovering more and more about myself! And I think the holidays are the best time for self-discovery when we are not buried in a myriad of activities during term time.

This week had lots of cycling, ultimate, dinners and movies. Quite the usual suspects on the schedule but through some pockets of time I am discovering at this phase of my life, what do I really want to do about it? The question brings about a staggering amount of thought into what is worth doing and what should actually be done.

I think I need to start my coaching. I miss the interaction with kids. I want to be able to teach something, value-add something and get involved in people's lives'. I have been reading some Outdoor Education books to seek some strategies and pedagogical tools to teach the various skills needed for AR.

Anyway, I have woken from my state of melancholy. I think there are more important issues to address. Being at this age, how do I see myself? How can I improve? How can I reach that certain level of hardcore-ness to be the best in my field? Now those are the questions worth pondering about. I want to work towards it. Not just building up knowledge. I want to experience, learn and pick things up off the book. How to think in a different way and approach issues with different angles? That's really crucial. I believe outdoor educators are not just about brawn, its instinct coupled with sound knowledge and experience that makes you trulty an asset and you value-add the kids.

I know I am not there yet, but its definitely worth a shot.

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